No Kingfishers Yet, Plenty Other Wildlife To See

After capturing a Kingfisher diving a few days ago (see here), I constructed a temporary perch in the area it was diving in the hope to capture some more footage.

Kingfisher Perch

I used a Bamboo for the main leg with an old branch split and tied on with Garden tie.

Kingfisher Perch

To make it stable, I tied 2 old branches to the bottom to make it free-standing

Kingfisher Perch
Kingfisher Perch

This perch was then located above the area the Kingfisher was diving for fish and the Bushnell strapped to a nearby tree. This setup is not to record any good quality footage, just to monitor the comings and goings of the Kingfisher.

Two days have passed and so far, no footage has been captured of the Kingfisher. It may take a few days before the Kingfisher returns. This is one of many pools that the Kingfisher can use.

However, this doesn’t mean that the camera has come up empty, yet again some great sightings. The video below shows some. First up is a Sounder of Javali (Wild Boar), take a look at the size of the one at the start of the 2nd clip (around 30 seconds), that’s one big pig! The following morning sees a Little Egret followed by what I think is a Common Sandpiper. Finally another new species to be seen at the river, an Egyptian Mongoose, watch closely though as it’s only a very brief view.

{Remember to watch in HD if possible}

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