The Tree Of Life

Sometimes photo opportunities come to you. I was sitting in the house shopping on Amazon for a new WiFi Router (my current one keeps playing up) when I looked out of the back terrace and could see the top of a nearby ridge with the trees silhouetted by the setting sun (Further explanation of the shot below the photo).

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Tree Of Life

After my Stork photo a few evenings ago (link) I have been asked how I manage to get the whole sky orange? It’s a simple trick, stand a long way from the object and use a long lens. In this photo I have used a long lens (in this instance my 500mm f/4) and I’m almost 90 metres away from the tree. So the sky in the photo is just a small part of the sky behind the tree. If I was close to the tree, I would have to use a wider lens which would include a lot more of the sky. I will be making a video tutorial of this in the near future.

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