Louisiana Crayfish In The River Odelouca

The Louisiana Crayfish (Procambarus Clarkii) are thriving in the river so I thought I’d get my underwater camera out (Nikon 1 AW1) and see if I could grab some pictures. They prefer to be in the still water under the shade of the trees, so getting photos is quite difficult.

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Crayfish{Click image(s) to view on Flickr - opens in new tab}

These Crayfish are an introduced species (1970s) and are extremely invasive, however, they are providing a food source for the Otters, Storks and even Kingfishers. They are also able to survive prolonged dry periods by burrowing in the ground.

Louisiana Crayfish - Procambarus Clarkii

Louisiana Crayfish - Procambarus Clarkii

There are discarded pincers all around the river bank and river bed which is probably due to the Otters leaving them behind.

The Not So Lucky Crayfish

There is a lot of Otter Spraint in the area too, I will be setting up my trail camera to hopefully capture them feasting at night.

Otter Spraint
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