Sunset high in the Algarve Serra

Last night I went to the top of a nearby ridge to capture what I hoped would be a great sunset. In case it wasn’t quite what I hoped, I took a shot before sunset to silhouette a young Cork Oak Tree in the foreground. Once the sun had set, it didn’t quite go to plan, the sky didn’t turn the fiery red I was hoping for, however, as you see in the 2nd photo, there was a very short moment where the sky was full of many different colours.

The mountains you see in the distance where the clouds have gathered is Monchique and Foia (the highest point in the Algarve) viewed from behind.

Young Cork Oak in the Algarve Serra at Sunset
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Sunset Turned The River Red

March has been pretty wet, very wet, but yesterday was a typically Portuguese Spring day, warm and sunny. I thought that there was going to be a nice sunset so headed down to a section of the Odelouca River in hope a red sky would reflect on the water.

It paid off, not an amazing fiery sky that we had the day before, but enough to reflect in the water. So I placed a Circular Polariser (or Polarizer) filter on to bring out the colours and help with the water and shot with a slow shutter speed to give the river a silky looking effect.

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Sunset Turns The River Red
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Silves At Sunset

I’ve been wanting to get a sunset shot at Silves for a while but I’ve been waiting for the right moment when I could get an angle of the sun dropping behind the castle walls. Yesterday things lined up nicely and the skies were clear which is a nice change from all the storms recently.

Using the PhotoPills App I was able to find a location to shoot from and headed down at sunset for the following photographs;

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This first shot was just as the sun was dropping behind the castle wall

Silves ao Pôr do Sol - Silves at Sunset
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The Tree Of Life

Sometimes photo opportunities come to you. I was sitting in the house shopping on Amazon for a new WiFi Router (my current one keeps playing up) when I looked out of the back terrace and could see the top of a nearby ridge with the trees silhouetted by the setting sun (Further explanation of the shot below the photo).

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Tree Of Life
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The White Storks Are Returning To Our Village

White Storks are very common in the Algarve and they are now returning from their short winter break in Africa. Our local village has a small number that spend the warmer months here.

This evening, I decided to shoot a silhouette of a Stork against the glow of the setting sun. Silhouette shots always work well when the object being silhouetted can easily be identified, this made the Stork perched on top of the nest perfect. I had to wait a long time before he/she decided to stand up.

As you can see from this photo, White Storks regularly build their nests on top of electricity poles. The place to see White Storks in abundance in the Algarve is the town of Silves, I am planning a session to capture photos and videos which will be coming soon.

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White Stork Silhouette At Sunset
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