Possible Otter’s Holt (Den) Found

After briefly capturing video footage of an Otter a few nights ago (see here) I went on a scout of the dry riverbed to try to locate a Holt. Holt is the name for an Otter’s Den.

To my surprise, I found one fairly easily and even more surprising that it’s been almost under my nose all this time. Obviously, I’m not going to share its location, but I will set up the Bushnell in a more permanent location to confirm that there is Otter using this Holt. Otters are mainly nocturnal, however, as this location is very quiet, they may be active during daylight too. I will monitor their activity for a while and hope to establish a pattern of activity, if there is regular activity during daylight hours then I’ll plan to hide with the camera. The location is pretty good for photography. 

A big giveaway is the presence of Otter Scat, known as spraints, on the dry riverbed. If you look closely at the photos, you can see small bones and shells which look like remains of Crayfish.

Otter Spraints

Otter Spraints

A Sounder of Javali (Wild Boar) Visited the River Pool


I relocated the Bushnell Camera yesterday to try and get a better view of the wildlife visiting the River Pool and captured a Sounder of Javali visiting. Sounder being the collective term for a group of Wild Boar.

This group seems to be made up of young Boars as they are not that large in size. The male can grow to 1.80m in length and 1.10m tall and can weigh up to 200kg, the females slightly smaller at 200kg.

Although shy of humans, they can (and will) attack if startled. I’m speaking from experience as Wally (the Dog) and I found out when our paths crossed a few evenings ago. We startled each other as our paths crossed. It made a lot of grunting noises and ran straight at us. Although not the official method, I grabbed Wally and we ran to the house!

{Remember to watch in HD if possible}

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