Craig Rogers

Originally from South Wales, I worked in the world of Telecommunications, travelling the world for over 22 years, usually with a camera for company. In 2016 I decided to change my entire life and move to the beautiful Portuguese Algarve and concentrate more on my photography. Being outdoors in nature is my big enjoyment, the photography is a bonus. Getting the picture doesn’t come first, I enjoy being around the content being photographed way before the shutter button is pressed.

I’m always happy to show and discuss my work over a coffee if you are in Portimão, Praia da Rocha or Alvor. I speak English and my Portuguese is good.

If you would like a guest speaker at your event, I am available for Nature Photography Talks.

I fell in love with the Algarve back in 1984 on a family holiday to Vale Centeanes near to Carvoeiro and I’m now lucky to call this amazing region home, here I am as a 10 year old (in the middle) sitting on Praia de Vale Centeanes with my sister and a holiday buddy.

I have written many nature articles for the Algarve Resident, an English language Newspaper published in Portugal which is available in most Supermarkets and Newsagents.

Why not subscribe to my Mailing List for updates, news and offers. You can also follow my social media feeds on Facebook, Instagram.

If you are considering using any of my photos or videos for personal or commercial use, please take a read of the © Copyright Notice. I may also be interested in freelance, collaboration and commission work. Please also take a look at my commercial venture FotoSul.

I am registered as a drone operator with the ANAC (Autoridade Nacional da Aviação Civil) as required by the regulations issued by the EASA (EU Aviation Safety Agency) and also adhere to the regulations enforced by the AAN (Autoridade Aeronáutica Nacional)

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